1. Project Name


2. Employer

  • HTL Leonding

3. Background

Within our education at the HTBLA Leonding the students have to work on projects. One of them is an IoT-Project about collecting physical values measured in a classroom.

4. Project Result

The result of this project is a compact container which include various sensors. Those sensors/actors in the room detect the physical values in the classroom (air moisture, temperature, sound intensity, etc.). The data is collected and saved in a database. The information is shown on a display/digital screen in a clear and attractive way.

5. Project Target

The aim of the project is to be able to check the current status of a classroom in terms of volume, temperatur, etc. Depending on the status of the current class the necessary actions can be taken to improve the climate.

6. Project Description

  • reworking the Cockpit

  • sensor installation in early bird classes

  • backend programming

7. Milestones



  • Vorbereitung


  • Persistence


  • 3D-Model Improvement


  • Simulator


  • Visualisierung der Daten


8. Project Start

The official start of the project was on the 6th of October 2020. It kicked off with a meeting and the handover of School IOT.

9. Project End

The measured data is available on demand at any time. The estimated date of completion is the on 14th of September 2021.

10. Resources / Material

  • Actors

  • MQTT Broker

  • Database

  • Android App

  • Webclient

  • OpenHab

11. Risks

  • sensors are failing

  • connection errors

  • db is not working

12. Infrastructur

system architecture

13. Project Team

  • 4AHITM 04 EQ

  • 4AHITM 05 EP

  • 4AHITM 10 KF

  • 4AHITM 11 KS

  • 4AHIF 15 KV

  • 4AHIF 21 RF