1. Legend

Ecker Quirin


Edlinger Philipp


Klausner Florian


Knogler Simon


Kronreif Vinzent


Rieser Felix


Abazovic Edina


Bogdan Sebastian


Kerschbaum Philipp


Rathberger Jakob


Stütz Thomas


Köck Gerald


Sorry for language inconsistencies. If someone has time it would be kind to translate german written protocols into english. Thank You.

2. 06.12.2020

  • EQ, EP, KF, KS, OJ, KV, RF

  • organizational matadded dashboard layout imagesters

3. 18.12.2020

  • EQ, EP, KF, KS, OJ, KV, RF

  • discussion with our predecessors about the project

  • new division of tasks

4. 27.12.2020

  • EQ, EP, KS, KV, RF

  • short briefing

5. 24.01.2021

  • EQ, EP, KS, KV, RF

  • briefing about the current situation

  • discussion about occurring go problems

  • restructuring of the repo

  • brainstorming about a more efficient ways of operating

    • several work sessions a month

6. 04.02.2021

  • EQ, EP, KS, KF, ST

  • talked about the project management and structure

  • TODO:

    • getting rid off the feature branches

    • creating project handbook

    • linking of all sources

6.1. 14.02.2021

  • EP, KV, RF

  • update on current situation

  • upcoming simulator problems

    • dicussion about solving the problem

  • talking about deadlines

7. 19.02.2021

  • EQ,EP, ST

  • Write instructions for the backend in the ReadME

  • the professor is looking for an alternative solution for JDBC

  • create reactive branching

8. 21.02.2021

  • EQ, EP, KV

  • status update

  • assigned new tasks

  • should create extra branch for the new simulator libary

9. 22.02.2021

  • EQ,EP,ST, KG

  • Notes:

    • programm is available

    • we need to configure the sensorbox

    • the software is written in c++

    • in VS we use Express IDF

    • Express uses a components

    • procedure:

      • picking the device

      • build the code (Build Flash Monitor)

      • an accespoints starts

    • a http-server is running on the sensorbox

    • assigning of a topic:

      • configuration happens in the Main

    • How does the server new which room is currently used:

      • ThingName

    • Our Goal:

      • configuration of the sensorbox with access to the accesspoint of the school

10. 07.03.2021

  • EQ, EP, KV, RF

  • talked about the current state and tasks

  • tried to fix a connecting to mediator error

11. 08.03.2021

  • EQ, EP. GK

  • configuration of the sensorbox

12. 19.03.2021

  • EQ, EP

  • current status update

  • talked about management of the project

  • new Milestones / Priority

    • implementation of sensorboxes into room k03

    • a new datamodel / whole Backend

    • Frontend

  • looking for a task for the pc in the lab

13. 21.03.2021

  • EQ, EP, KF,KV, RF

  • status update

  • assigned new tasks

14. 25.03.2021

  • EQ, EP

  • get the touchscreen in lab running

  • tried to solve a problem with the vm139

    • weren’t able to establish a connection internally

    • because the local address and those in the network are the same

15. 04.04.2021

  • EQ, EP, KF, RF

  • current status update

  • assigned new task

16. 07.04.2021

  • EQ, EP

  • ask GK

    • get new powerstations

    • need to ask for more specifications

  • lay more focus on Frontend

    • Dashboard should get basic features

    • 3D model need to be

      • new animations

      • update layout of the building

17. 09.04.2021

  • EQ, EP

  • new tasks assigned

    • dummy generator for 3d Model

    • create a reworked Dashboard

  • created a question list

  • see notes 09042021

18. 14.04.2021

  • EQ, EP

  • went trough the question list

  • talked about on going assigned tasks

  • a new datamodel was worked out

  • Todos:

    • new Mqtt Mapper

    • implement new datamodell

    • update the software on all sensorboxes

    • need to ask sysadmin about upd

    • create a new Dashboard (rework the old one)

19. 18.04.2021

  • EQ, EP, KF, RF

  • status update

  • assigned new tasks

    • new dashboard

    • seperated systemspec

    • implement reworked sim prototype and api

20. 25.04.2021

  • EQ, EP, KF, RF

  • status updated

21. 02.05.2021

  • EQ, EP, RF

  • status updated

22. 09.05.2021

  • EQ, EP, KF, RF

  • status updated

23. 16.05.2021

  • EQ, EP, KF, RF

  • talked about current tasks

  • assigned new tasks

24. 21.05.2021

  • EQ, EP, ST

  • talked about the current status of the project

  • protocol needs to be updated

  • should add issues no. to our commits

25. 23.05.2021

  • EQ, EP ,RF

  • current status updated

  • talked sensor and simulator docs

  • talked about the sprint

26. 07.06.2021

  • EQ, VK ,RF

  • current status

  • talked about frontend tasks

  • current tasks from 4AHIF group (value-sim done, tests and endpoint documentation in progress)

  • EQ: currently working that data is automatically persisting

27. 15.06.2021

  • ST, EQ, RF, KV

  • if a new sensor connects, he well be created atomatically …​ → searching for the new one under sensor and actor…​no results -→ Create new Sensor

  • update gh pages and generalize it, so a new user have a quick overview

  • sysmem architecture from the sys spec should also be on the gh pages

  • The German Systemspec should be marked with "German"

  • new deployment diagram

  • "House with Students and sensorboxes whiich connecting to the mqtt

  • mqtt picture also on gh pages + quick explanation

28. 20.06.2021

  • EQ, RF

  • update sprint 3

  • end presentation (backend/frontend/value simulator)

29. 25.06.2021

  • EQ, EP, ST

  • project presentation

30. 19.09.2021

  • EQ, EP, RF

  • status update

  • discussion about potential new members

  • talked about if we should implement the slides to our repo

  • changed the day of the week of the weekly meetings

31. 27.9.2021

  • EQ, EP, KV

  • talked about youtrack

    • need to update classnames

    • convert github issues to youtrack

  • new tasks:

    • preparation of the presentation

    • addition of asciidocs slides

    • update of the endpoints

32. 30.9.2021

  • EQ , EP, KS

  • decided to focus on the dashboard

  • talked about the 3D-Model and the whole old frontend

  • quickstart of the new web

33. 04.10.2021

  • EQ, EP, KV, RF, BS, KP, RJ,

  • first meeting with of our new project members

  • introduction of the project

  • setup youtrack and github repo access

  • potential AI of the project

  • need to make an appointment

34. 11.10.2021

  • EQ, EP, BS, KP, RJ,ST

  • canceled the upcoming meeting with ST

  • talked about the tasks for the newcomer

    • are taking over the 3D-Model

    • introduction to the whole backend

      • have a meeting on 15.10

35. 15.10.2021

  • EQ, EP, AE, BS, KP, RJ

  • meeting with the members of the 4AHIF

  • introduction to Angular

  • decided to create a new 3D-Model

    • getting rif of the localizations

36. 22.10.2021

  • EQ, ED, KF, KS

  • current tasks of the team members


backend redesign




presentation about the modules of the frontend


presentation about the modules of the frontend






learning phase about angular and the 3D-Model


learning phase about angular and the 3D-Model


learning phase about angular and the 3D-Model


learning phase about angular and the 3D-Model

37. 15.11.2021

  • AE, BS, KS, RJ, EQ

    • Sprint Review

      • Mocking and testing is now part of the sprint 3

      • Connection over websockets can be established to the vm90

      • A Quick Demo for the new 3d Model with a cube as been implemented

      • An unfinished presentation of the angular modules is available

    • New Tasks

      • Values Simulator Rooms should be in the database

      • Value Simulator Documentation should be reworked

      • Demo of the School 3d Model should be available

      • New Docker Image with native quarkus executable and multi stage builds

      • Complete presentation of the angular modules

38. 19.11.2021

  • ST, EQ

    • Fehlende Ergebnisse von dem Dashboard Team

    • Ussage of swimmlanes in you track is needed

    • Besprechung mit dem Dashboard Team is needed

39. 22.11.2021

  • RJ, KP, KS, KF, EQ

    • KP and KS have now the assignment to create the basic layout of the dashboard

    • RJ and KP have advanced in the 3d Model demo. still have the assignment to complete the 3d Model Demo

    • EQ has still the assignment to create the advanced docker image

    • all those assignments are for the rest of the sprint

    • KP and KS also need to complete the presentation

    • The 3d Model team is now smaller with only RJ and KP

    • RJ is switching to the backend team next week

    • maybe more changes to the team in the next week

    • Other team members did not attend the meeting

      • Tasks will stay the same

40. 29.11.2021

  • RJ, KP, KF, EQ

    • The 3d Model team is finished with the 3d model demo.

      • still a bit black right now with not much light

      • assignment for next sprint to make light

      • assignment for next sprint to be able to hide floors

    • Nothing new with the value simulator team

      • assignment for next sprint to get a deployment vm

      • assignment for next sprint to fix bugs

      • assignment for next sprint to update databse integrations

    • Nothing new from the Dashboard team. No one was at the meeting

41. 6.12.2021

  • RJ, KP, RF, EQ

    • The 3d Model team added light to the demo

      • task is to make hide option for floors

      • new task is to create a presentation

    • Value Simulator team is working on the deployment for new vm

      • new vm is acquired

    • QE is finished creating the docker image for the backend

      • new task create a presentation for docker containerization

    • No news from the Dashboard team

      • No one was at the meeting

42. 13.12.2021

  • RF, KV, RJ, KP, EQ

    • RJ, KP are working on the 3d Model demo

      • They finished the light and the feature to disable and enable different floor

      • Now working on selecting different rooms and displaying the name of the room with the floor

    • RF, KV are working on deploying to the vm

      • deploying works now *+ no new plans on what they will do in the future

    • EQ worked on the Backend Docker images

      • still waiting to present the docker iamge presentation

      • now starting to clean up the code in the backend

43. 17.12.2021


  • Schnell erreichbar:

    • Systemarchitektur (Grob und detailiert)

    • Klassendiagramm

  • Landingpage

  • Github Repos in neue Organisation

  • Räume für value simulator in eine Datenbank speichern

sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade -y && apt autoremove

44. 10.01.2022

Teilnehmer wurden nicht mitprotokolliert
  • keine wirklcihen Änderungen im plan

  • keiner hatte was gemacht über die Weihnachtsferien

  • Sprintende wurde auf eine woche verschoben

45. 17.01.2022


  • Sprint review

  • Planung des neuen sprintes wurde um eine woche verschoben, da wir mehr anwesende brauchen

  • Schwierigkeiten beim auswählen von räumen

    • Wird noch dran gearbeited

  • Die alte repo ist noch nicht transferiert worden

  • CI funktioniert wieder mit den Modulen

  • Documentation ist überarbeited worden

  • Es wurden neue Readme erstellt

  • Es wurde eine Organisations Readme erstellt

46. 31.01.2022


  • Projektbesprechung

  • Vereinbart, dass beim alten Model weitergearbeitet wird

  • Altes Model fixen(Animation beim Stockwerk hinzufügen)

  • Code Reengineering

  • Schnittstellen analysieren

  • Nächste Schritte überlegen und diese vorlegen bis 1.02.2022

  • HTL-Leonding 3D Projekt analysieren bis 28.02.2022 https://github.com/htl-leonding-project/htl-leonding-3d

47. 31.01.2022


  • New Sprint

  • 3d Model team is fixing the struture in the frontend

  • EQ ist implementing a homepage for leo iot

  • EQ refactoring backend structure

  • EQ implementing developement pipeline

  • EQ implementing cd for the web repository

  • EQ adding vcs to youtrack

  • RJ fixing animations 3d model

  • RJ fixing click accuracy

  • RJ removing code duplication

  • value simulator team meeting is tomorrow

48. 1.02.2022


  • Projektbesprechung

  • Was wird getan

    • Fix Old Model

    • Reengineer Code in web/school3d

    • Analyse/Fix Displaying Data from Rooms

    • Loading Screen

    • Restlichen Komponenten analysieren

  • System Architecture Abbildung falsch https://leo-iot.github.io/leo-iot-docs/

  • Ideen:

    • Über MQTT nur auf gewisse clients zugreifen

    • Demo mode

    • Zum ansteuern des 3d models

  • KP Möglicherweise am Dashboard arbeiten

49. 7.03.2022


  • Libraries fürs Dashboard:

    • angular gallery

    • angualr card decks

  • Funktionen des Dashboards:

    • Räume je nach werte farblich anzeigen(Grün=alles ok, Gelb/Orange=mittelmäßig, rot=schlecht)

    • Bei Click auf einen Raum sollen die Werte des Raumes angezeigt werden

    • Möglicherweise Foto vom ausgewählten Raum anzeigen

    • Sensorboxenübersicht (wieviele in Betrieb, ob aktiv oder passiv)

    • Alarm, wenn Werte nicht passen

    • Anzeige welche Räume die meisten Alarme hatten.