1. Module Development

module development
  • PR: Pull Request

1.1. Feature Pull Request

Must include

  • Implementation of the feature

  • Tests for the feature (Unittests and Integrationstests if necessary)

  • Documentation about the feature

as seen in the picture above.

1.2. Switch to Develop

git checkout develop

1.3. Create a new Feature

Replace <name> with the name of you feature.

git branch feature/<name>
git checkout feature/<name>

Now you can develop your feature on your own branch.

1.4. Update you Feature Branch

Sometimes you want to get the new changes of the develop branch into you branch.

git merge develop

1.5. Merge Feature Back to the Develop Branch

Merging back to the develop branch should be done through a pull request. Create a pull request on GitHub and wait for someone to review it.

1.6. Merge Back to the Master/Main Branch

Merging back to the master/main branch requires a Pull Request. Merging back to the master Branch should only be required at the end of a sprint.

2. Core Development

core development

2.1. Checkout Branch module-integration

git checkout module-integration

2.2. Pull changes from modules

git submodule foreach git pull

2.3. Push changes

git push origin module-integration

2.4. Pull Request to Develop

Create a Pull request to merge into the develop branch on GitHub. This Pull Request should be reviewed by more than one person. Best scenario: all developers.

Once Successfully merged the CI Tests should be executed in the gh action pipeline

2.5. Pull Request to Main

Create a Pull request to merge into the main branch on GitHub. This Pull Request should be reviewed by more than one person. Best scenario: all developers.

Once Successfully merged the CI Tests and Deployment should be executed in the gh action pipeline